It's not an easy thing for a single, 25-year old guy to admit to seeing a romantic comedy, on a whim, at 10:30 in the morning, by yourself... So, consider me revealing this bombshell about a close friend of mine, a giant leap of faith. I mean really, the romantic comedy in question would have to be one of the best ones he's ever seen to share something like that with me, and then allow me to put it on the Internet for all to see. I hope that gives an idea of my buddies immense admiration for Crazy, Stupid, Love...
In so many ways this movie is the perfect romantic comedy, here's a few reasons why: It's two leading men are hilarious and have excellent on-screen chemistry, the primary roles are acted incredibly well, it depicts romance at all the important stages of life, it has an assortment of scenes that you remember days after leaving the theater, either because their funny, touching, or outrageous, and because it sort of has the perfect title(If you've seen it, think about it).
I have to admit that one of my main reasons for seeing this movie, besides the praise it was getting from everyone, was the scenes in the trailer with Ryan Gosling cleaning up at nightclubs. I thought if anything it'd be entertaining to watch him try to mold Steve Carell into an equally smooth operator. Also, I love Emma Stone's quirky funniness and red hair(Julianne Moore's, too). But, there were so many surprises in this movie that it's impossible to not like it in my opinion. Jonah Bobo and Analeigh Tipton give two brilliant, unexpected performances, that are basically as important to the movies overall grade as Stone and Moore's are. Dan Fogelman deserves a ton of credit as well for just how funny the dialogue in this movie is. Gosling, if he gets (and he should) a Golden Globe nomination for his comedic performance, ought to buy him something nice and expensive.