I recently read an article that discussed how the summer blockbuster has essentially ruined Hollywood. I'm not sure what news outlet released it or who wrote it really, but those details aren't too necessary to the point I'm trying to make with this "movie review". The article credited George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, the orchestrator's of blockbusters like Jaws, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and countless others, with seemingly putting into motion the deterioration of studios releasing films with any substance during the summer months. The author of the article certainly has a leg to stand on, when you see studios shelling out loads of cash to make movies like MacGruber or Jonah Hex, but to rebut this argument, just look at Toy Story 3 or The Karate Kid, movies that lack originality, but are solid popcorn flicks that allow audiences to re-live some of their childhood fantasies (While having massive amounts of exposure, both films opened at close to 4,000 theaters). I'm not sure what better time of the year movies like this would have to reach the audiences that they do, but that is definitely an opinion worthy of more discussion.
Anyways... Clash of the Titans, falls very definitively into the category of summer blockbuster fodder, or in other words Warner Brother's unsuccessfully attempting to capitalize on the warm weather and entertainment-hungry, minds of the masses. The screen-writing is pretty cliche and acting isn't memorable, but the set designs partially make up for this. The storyline is rather predictable and the action/battle scenes weren't that impressive to me (Sorry to the stunt men who I'm sure worked hard on this). The blame should be put on the cinematographer though, because the angles and camera direction during a lot of these scenes, just flat out blew.
Gemma Arterton was absolutely stunning again and Sam Worthington played the role of, Perseus, rather well. I was actually pleasantly surprised by Mads Mikkelsen's role of Draco, Mikkelsen played the villain in the James Bond movie Casino Royale. Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes were without a doubt the highlights of a generally mediocre ensemble cast (If only one of them took more responsibility as a producer or consultant to the movie).
I could certainly dedicate a lot more time to discussing this topic, but time is not something I have a lot of right now. If your reading this though, comment and I'll respond when I can.
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