A little late on this one, but I guess it took me so long to see Machete because I listened to a friend, who isn't a Robert Rodriguez fan. He was surprised why I'd want to see it, instead of The American, with George Clooney, he basically convinced me that it would be bad because of how cheesy the trailers made it out to be. Well, I finally made it to a showing, it was a hole in the wall little cinema that gets movies a month or so after their original release dates. The theater was pretty crowded and pretty noisy, which are pretty ideal ingredients when seeing a Rodriguez picture.
Back during the weeks leading up to the movies original release I remember seeing some TV spots promoting the gory flick, but nothing like the marketing that the Rodriguez/Tarantino movie, Grindhouse, received back in 2007 (Machete is actually based on a "faux" trailer from that movie). Maybe this was because that movie was hugely unsuccessful at the box office and studios noticed that the specific type of moviegoer that enjoys and will pay to see Rodriguez or Tarantino movies doesn't love them enough to sit through three hours of anything (I'm not sure anybody wants to sit in the same place for more than 3 hours). Anyways, I'm trying to make the point that Rodriguez tends to make movies more for a specific "cult" or demographic, than for the masses. A sort-of follow up to Grindhouse seemed like a big risk, but budgeted at around $20 million, I guess it wasn't too much of a gamble for a distributor like Fox.
Machete follows the story of the guy by that very name, played by Danny Trejo, who after being recruited for a hit on a Texas senator is betrayed and seeks revenge on the conspirators. The movie includes performances from Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez, Don Johnson, Robert DeNiro, Lindsay Lohan, Jeff Fahey, and Cheech Marin.
There weren't any performances that really stuck out to me, but Marin's minor role was acted very well. Alba steals a few scenes and has an oddly inspiring monologue. Lohan's role as, April, was very forgettable, but it is worth mentioning that the theater I was in got a lot louder when she made her first appearance on screen.
Machete has an alarmingly high rating on IMDB, which is undoubtedly due to the fact that Rodriguez fans are movie addicts who spend alot of time on websites making comments or grading movies. I enjoyed the movie, but I'm a fan of Rodriguez's "style", to those who aren't though this movie will probably come across as too bloody, too cheesy, and too stupid.
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