I saw the movie, She's Out of My League, a couple days ago and to be honest it did not disappoint. It's from the production company, Mosaic Media, the same people who brougt us, The Breakup and Talladega Nights:The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. My expectations for it weren't sky high, but I did expect to laugh out loud a few times based on television spots I'd been seeing for a couple weeks.
The movie's tagline is, "How can a 10 go for a 5?" and the way that this happens in the movie isn't too far fetched, but certainly doesn't happen often in the real world. Jay Baruchel plays the leading role as, Kirk Kettner, a dorky looking airport security worker who somehow finds his way into Alice Eve's character, Molly's good graces.
The movie had a bunch of really funny scenes, especially the pool scene where Molly meets Kirk's brother and ex-girlfriend, also, a scene on an airplane where Kirk gives his family a piece of his mind and probably the funniest scene involving Kirk and Molly and an untimely drop-in from her family. The dialogue between Kirk and his TSA buddies is basically what makes this movie enjoyable and T.J. Miller's acting as, Stainer, Kirk's best friend, pretty much steals the show. I could've gone for a bit more screen interaction between Stainer and Patty, Molly's best friend acted by Krysten Ritter, their on-screen hate for each other was outstanding.
Alot of people have called this movie a romantic comedy or a "RomCom" as one of my friends cleverly calls them. But, I think it weighs much heavier on the comedy side, there are romantic scenes, I'm just not sure how well it would go over as a date movie. I say see it while it's still in theaters, but to all of you "5's" and below out there don't let it give you false hope about landing a "10", this is Hollywood.
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