With a tagline like, "The only criminal that he can't catch is himself", I pretty seriously question the creativity and marketing capabilities of the team behind this movie. Not only does this line have very little to do with what transpires in the film, but I can think of several that would've been better, but I wont get into them now.
Anyways, I saw the movie after a "Nicolas Cage fan" friend of mine suggested I see it after ripping his appearance in "Kick Ass". It didn't take very long for me to understand why my friend enjoyed Cage's performance in it. He plays a hot shot, crooked police officer with enough swagger to make rapper T.I. uncomfortable, but his role and subsequent performance isn't what was wrong with this movie. If I had to say something was wrong with it, it would be it's lack of "fluidity", by that, I felt like the movie didn't progress from scene to scene convincingly enough. Also, when scenes ended and certain information was inferred to the audience, this bordered on the side of confusing too closely for me. I would've liked to have some more screen time for Eva Mendes as well, not because she's beautiful, but because she excels at roles like this one.
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