This film is certainly a visual achievement that draws on the stifled imaginative minds of adults. The glimpses into "the imaginarium" are pretty breathtaking (I can only wonder what they looked like on a sixty-foot screen). But, I'm sure for some people they'll be misconstrued as an overly vivid acid trip, especially with the movie being directed by Terry Gillaim. Gilliam, in my opinion, is the genius mind that brought the world, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a quintessential cult classic and defining movie for my generation. But, where that movie was great Imaginarium struggled.
First of all, Fear and Loathing, was so intrinsically tied to drug culture that the wild visions and out of the blue dialogue and plot progression seemed sort of normal, but Imaginarium doesn't benefit from something like this, so when unexpected plot twists or peculiar character developments happen in the film it's just very confusing and off putting. But, what helped the film immensely was the casting and acting. Heath Ledger, in his final film appearance, shines in the movie playing an odd philanthropist. Also, Verne Troyer, Christopher Plummer, and relative newcomer Lily Cole turn in great performances. I'm surprised Cole hasn't been cast in any American movies, I see a lot of potential for her, especially playing a similar role to the one she did in this movie.
It's difficult for me to recommend this movie as its overall impression that it left on me was of a relatively disconnected plot, with a wonderful performance from Ledger and incredibly, imaginative images. But, the child in me really liked it and if you can follow that then you may like it also.