I'm taking this opportunity to write my first post completely about an actress. Kristen Stewart, is the lovely subject I've chosen, and you most likely know her from the Twilight series. She's been acting for most of her life, with television credits going all the way back to 1999. Her first major role was in Panic Room alongside Jodie Foster, but she didn't catch her big break till 2008 when the Twilight movie became a phenomenon.
I chose Kristen because she's a pretty controversial actress, there seems to be a 50/50 split of people that love her and those that can't stand her. I think this has to alot to do with her being in the Twilight movies. Inherently all the buzz from teenagers and young adults about these movies causes some people to have a negative opinion. Like any fad in America, there will be those who jump on board and those that protest blindly. I'm not sure why the actors would get caught up in something like this when all they wanted to do was advance their careers, but Kristen did make a reported $2 million up front for the first Twilight movie and supposedly their are talks about writing a fifth book to later become a movie. Anyone who can make that much money at the age of 18 is definitely doing something right and isn't capitalism one of the primary foundations of this country? So, basically what I'm thinking is don't dislike her for being Twilight, find a better reason that if you must.
I had a discussion recently with a guy friend about what makes Kristen attractive and he agreed with me that its her "plainness", basically that she doesn't have any exceptional features and that she incorporates a "girl next door" look. I think this contributes to a substantial part of her male fan demographic and also contributes to the portion of females that don't like her. I've heard comments from women that I'm friends with that she doesn't try hard enough with her appearance. They may have a leg to stand on too after seeing her at an MTV Movie Awards about a year ago. But, is jealousy or whatever it really is reason enough to dislike an actress? Shouldn't some merit be put on how she does actually acting in the films that she's in? I think it should, and if your on the fence or leaning toward the Kristen-haters side, I suggest you check out Adventureland and let me know what you think about her after seeing that.
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