I was a little torn while watching the beginning scenes of Date Night, because it seemed like the writers were trying to hard to force the funniness of the two stars, Tina Fey and Steve Carell. But, before long their overall hilarity took over, combined with a bunch of near perfect cameos and outrageously funny scenes this movie had me cracking up more than enough.
More about the cameos though, J.B. Smoove, or Leon in Curb Your Enthusiasm, has a brief appearance as a cabbie in the movie, but it's about 2 minutes that provide a platform for a lot of raucous laughter from the audience. Also, Mark Wahlberg, has a cameo as Holbrooke, a muscular spy and former acquaintance of Fey's character, Wahlberg I'm sure will provide most women with a solid five minutes of the movie that they wont quickly forget. James Franco and Mila Kunis also provide a few laughs with a short cameo, that most of the trailers for the movie kind of spoiled.
Strangely, this movie felt like it fell into the category of romantic comedy to me, I was expecting just a comedy, but there were a few scenes that lingered at length on relationship issues. Maybe they were meant to serve as potential bathroom breaks for audiences just there to laugh, but overall they didn't seem too forced and both stars are solid enough actors to keep your attention.
its called date night, so its not a stretch to think it would be a romantic comedy